DO: Tie the skates correctly
Make sure your skate’s laces are tied correctly to avoid issues in skating on the indoor synthetic ice. If you feel your skates are too tight, re-tie them properly to provide the appropriate support to your ankles. Skates are usually heavy, practice walking on the normal ground before getting onto the ice rink.
DON’T: Constantly looking down
Very often people keep staring at their feet while skating rather than focusing on the direction they are heading to. Do not look down while you are skating. Ideally, you should keep your head up and look in front as this will help you prevent bumping or colliding into any other person there.
DO: Warm Up
It is known that the ice skating arena is usually cold. It is important to prepare your muscles to get cold before skating. Before trying your foot directly on the ice rink, start warming up. Do stretching slowly to help you with relaxing your muscles.
DON’T: Skate in the wrong direction
There is a directional rule to follow while skating. Do not try skating in the wrong way, otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself as well as others. The most simple way to skate in the right way is to move in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction.
Follow these basic tips to get started with skating on indoor ice skating rinks. Whether you are skating purely for fun or fitness, taking these measures is essential.
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