Building a backyard rink can offer you hours of winter fun for you, your family and friends. Whether you are building it to teach your son to skate, lacing up from some after-work exercise or just teaching your daughter how to perfect her slapshot, a backyard rink or even indoor ice skating rinks can help you make the most of the winter months.
Home ice rink construction is fun but it also comes with a lot of responsibility of maintain it and watching out for all the safety hazards. You must take care of the smallest of things to keep your family and friends safe on the ice.
Taking shortcuts while building your backyard ice rink can result in flooding and rough ice. You should ensure that you are building your rink correctly in order to avoid property damage or injuries. If you are not experienced with building rinks, you should consider hiring a professional to build one.
In order to prevent leaks, do not do anything that could create holes in your liner such as walking on it or dragging it across the cement floors. Even if your liner does not leak, the ice might melt in the spring so you should make sure that the water drains away from your house and not into the basement.
When you decide to fill the rink, do not just turn on the hose and walk away. Make sure you keep a close eye on it to prevent any kind of flooding or damage. Do not even forget to turn off the water flow to outside taps after you are done filling up your rink to prevent frozen pipes.
Rough ice is like an accident waiting to happen. Make sure you keep your ice smooth to avoid any injuries that can come with a bad fall.
Make it a point to regularly flood your rink with a layer of water, an ice resurfacer or a thin layer of hot water can help with that. Meanwhile, if you end up with a large crack or hole in your ice, you can choose to repair it by filling it with a mixture of snow and water and smoothing it over before you flood the rink.
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